MongoDB Plugin Design: Command pipe
MongoDB : Introduction | Download | Basic Components | Start | Stop | Client | Support Functions | Command pipe | Mongo-Start
UniServer 6-Carbo MongoDB plugin design. |
Command pipe
Some Mongo commands are specific to the client and need to be directly entered. To automate this requires use of a command pipe. A file is first created containing list of commands to be executes and this is piped to the client.
This page looks at commands requiring this technique they only apply to an authentication server.
Create a database and assign a user
Creating a database in Monogo is simple select the database (this prepares it for creation) write something to it (assign a user) it really is that easy.
Define a new constant in file mongo_db_inc.php path to temporary command file.
define("CMD_DUMMY_TXT", "$mongo_base_f/usr/local/mongo_tutorial/bin/cmd_dummy.txt");
Create a new batch file z_create_db_auth.bat with the following content:
TITLE UNIFORM SERVER - Create DB Auth COLOR B0 @echo off cls cd ..\..\php php.exe -c mongo_tutorial_cli.ini ..\mongo_tutorial\a_test\z_create_db_auth.php pause EXIT
Create a new test script z_create_db_auth.php with the following content:
<?php chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // Change wd to this files location include_once "mongo_db_inc.php"; create_db_auth("mpg777","fredAAA","fred123"); //=== CREATE DB Auth ========================================================== // Create DB and assign user function create_db_auth($db_name,$user_name,$user_password){ $port = get_mongo_port_auth(); // Get port from config $a_pwd_array = get_name_pwd_array(); // Get Admin name and password from file $name = $a_pwd_array[0]; // Set name $password = $a_pwd_array[1]; // Set password $return_wd = getcwd(); // Save current wd chdir(MONGO_BIN); // Change wd to Mongo Bin // Create content for cmd_dummy.txt $cmd_dummy[] = "use $db_name\n"; $cmd_dummy[] = "db.addUser(\"$user_name\", \"$user_password\")\n"; $str = implode($cmd_dummy); // Convert array to string file_put_contents(CMD_DUMMY_TXT,$str); // Save to file // Build command line $cmd1 = "mongo.exe "; $cmd2 = "--port $port "; $cmd3 = "--username $name "; $cmd4 = "--password $password "; $cmd5 = ' admin < '.CMD_DUMMY_TXT; // pipe file $cmd=$cmd1.$cmd2.$cmd3.$cmd4.$cmd5; //print $cmd; // Test code exec($cmd,$dummy,$return); // Run command chdir($return_wd); // Restore original wd } //===================================================== END CREATE DB Auth ==== ?> |
Command file:
- Run Run_mongo_auth.bat
- Run z_create_db_auth.bat
- Run z_list_dbs.bat
- Change function parameters create_db_auth()
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 confirm new database created.
Cut and copy above function save to file mongo_db_inc.php
Get user assigned to database
An admin may wish to check or delete a user assigned to a database. Generally a single user is assigned to a database however it is possible to have more users hence this function returns an array of users.
Output from db.system.users.find() looks similar to this:
url: admin connecting to: type "exit" to exit type "help" for help > switched to db admin > { "_id" : ObjectId("4c3dc5877a3d000000002f42"), "user" : "root", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "2a8025f0885adad5a8ce0044 070032b3" } { "_id" : ObjectId("4c3f3c85c36e0000000059a5"), "user" : "root123", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "bedd87b3d27bc223dd224e7 dd842192f" } { "_id" : ObjectId("4c41c18ba95a000000007ec9"), "user" : "fred", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "b61fbaa42c4d6ed46fea2b0d27
We want to target the following user/name pairs "user" : "root", extracting only the name.
The following regx \"user\"[ ]*:[ ]*\"(.*)\"[ ]*, can be used,
- \"user\" Targets "user" must be exact match
- [ ]* Target zero or more spaces
- : Target colon must be exact match
- [ ]*\" Targets one or more spaces and quote
- (.*) Brackets save what is matched .* zero or more characters
- \"[ ]*, Targets quote one or more spaces and a comma
New batch file:
Create a new batch file z_get_user_auth.bat with the following content:
:mode con:cols=65 lines=20 TITLE UNIFORM SERVER - Mongo Auth COLOR B0 @echo off cls cd ..\..\php php.exe -c php-cli.ini ..\mongo\a_test\z_get_user_auth.php pause EXIT
Create a new test script z_get_user_auth.php with the following content:
<?php chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // Change wd to this files location include_once "mongo_db_inc.php"; $new_array = get_user_auth("mpg777"); print_r($new_array); $new_array2 = get_user_auth("admin"); print_r($new_array2); //=== GET USER Auth =========================================================== // Select a db and obtain user/s asigned to it function get_user_auth($db_name){ $port = get_mongo_port_auth(); // Get port from config $a_pwd_array = get_name_pwd_array(); // Get Admin name and password from file $name = $a_pwd_array[0]; // Set name $password = $a_pwd_array[1]; // Set password $return_wd = getcwd(); // Save current wd chdir(MONGO_BIN); // Change wd to Mongo Bin // Create content for cmd_dummy.txt $cmd_dummy[] = "use $db_name\n"; $cmd_dummy[] = "db.system.users.find()\n"; // List of users $str = implode($cmd_dummy); // Convert array to string file_put_contents(CMD_DUMMY_TXT,$str); // Save to file // Build command line $cmd1 = "mongo.exe "; $cmd2 = "--port $port "; $cmd3 = "--username $name "; $cmd4 = "--password $password "; $cmd5 = ' admin < '.CMD_DUMMY_TXT; // pipe file $cmd=$cmd1.$cmd2.$cmd3.$cmd4.$cmd5; //print $cmd; // Test code exec($cmd,$dummy,$return); // Run command // $dummy array returned all output foreach($dummy as $text){ // Scan $dummy array // print "$text\n"; // Test code // test each line for match if(preg_match("/\"user\"[ ]*:[ ]*\"(.*)\"[ ]*,/", $text,$match)){ $new_array[] = $match[1]; // match found assign to array } } // repeate for next line chdir($return_wd); // Restore original wd return $new_array; // Return array of users } //======================================================= END GET USER Auth === ?> |
Command file:
- Run Run_mongo_auth.bat
- Run z_get_user_auth.bat
- Change function parameters get_user_auth("admin")
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 confirm users assigned to database is displayed
Cut and copy above function save to file mongo_db_inc.php Top
Delete User
To delete a user from currently selected database run the following command:
db.system.users.remove({user: "fred123"})
Top New batch file:
Create a new batch file z_delete_user_auth.bat with the following content:
TITLE UNIFORM SERVER - Delete a User Auth COLOR B0 @echo off cls cd ..\..\php php.exe -c mongo_tutorial_cli.ini ..\mongo_tutorial\a_test\z_delete_user_auth.php pause EXIT
Create a new test script z_delete_user_auth..php with the following content:
<?php chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // Change wd to this files location include_once "mongo_db_inc.php"; delete_user_auth("admin","fred"); //=== DELETE USER Auth ======================================================== // Select database and delete user function delete_user_auth($db_name,$user_name){ $port = get_mongo_port_auth(); // Get port from config $a_pwd_array = get_name_pwd_array(); // Get Admin name and password from file $name = $a_pwd_array[0]; // Set name $password = $a_pwd_array[1]; // Set password $return_wd = getcwd(); // Save current wd chdir(MONGO_BIN); // Change wd to Mongo Bin // Create content for cmd_dummy.txt $cmd_dummy[] = "use $db_name\n"; // Select database $cmd_dummy[] = "db.system.users.remove({user: \"$user_name\"}) \n"; $str = implode($cmd_dummy); // Convert array to string file_put_contents(CMD_DUMMY_TXT,$str); // Save to file // Build command line $cmd1 = "mongo.exe "; $cmd2 = "--port $port "; $cmd3 = "--username $name "; $cmd4 = "--password $password "; $cmd5 = ' admin < '.CMD_DUMMY_TXT; // pipe file $cmd=$cmd1.$cmd2.$cmd3.$cmd4.$cmd5; //print $cmd; // Test code exec($cmd,$dummy,$return); // Run command chdir($return_wd); // Restore original wd } //=================================================== END DELETE USER Auth ==== ?> |
Command file:
- Run Run_mongo_auth.bat
- Run z_delete_user_auth.bat
- Run z_get_user_auth.bat
- Confirm user is deleted
Cut and copy above function save to file mongo_db_inc.php
I apologise for such a long tutorial detail provided was for users new to PHP CLI scripting.
Currently we have a file mongo_db_inc.php containing a set of functions that can be applied to running MongoDB either with or without authentication.
These functions are run-able using a batch file and PHP script each specific task such as start and stop servers require a separate batch file and corresponding script.
Advantages you can avoid creating short cuts or opening a command prompt and navigating to the bin folder.