MongoDB: Introduction

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Revision as of 18:44, 5 September 2010 by BobS (talk | contribs) (Punctuation and grammatical changes; some clarification and additional explanation.)
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UniServer 6-Carbo
MongoDB Uniform Server Series.



What's MongoDB?

It's a database with a different approach. According to their site:

MongoDB bridges the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and highly scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which provide rich queries and deep functionality). MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database.

Uniform Server and MongoDB

Uniform Server MongoDB is split into two versions: plugin and standalone. Crossed with development and production security, there are four variants in total, each with design support and a quick guide user support page.

This page provides a central location for download links and support material on the Wiki. Each Wiki page contains a link Mongo Start (top right) that returns to this page.

Uniform Server 6-Carbo

The two plugins are specific to 6-Carbo. You can download 6-Carbo from SourceForge using the following link:

Uniform Server 6.0.0-Carbo

Uniform Server MongoDB Downloads

All MongoDB downloads are located in this SourceForge folder:

Uniform Server/6.0.0-Carbo/MongoDB

Downloads Design Tutorials User Support Page
mongodb_plugin_design_v1_0.exe MongoDB Plugin Design ----
mongo_standalone_v1_0.exe MongoDB Tutorial 1 Standalone;
mongo_plugin_v1_0.exe MongoDB Tutorial 2 Plugin
mongo_pro_standalone_v1_0.exe MongoDB Tutorial 3 Production Standalone
mongo_pro_plugin_v1_0.exe MongoDB Tutorial 4 Production Plugin