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UniServer AWStats plugin for Uniform Server 5-Nano series

This plugin installs AWStats on The Uniform Server 5-Nano. AWStats is a free, powerful and fully featured tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically.

Due to UniServer's architecture change, there are two versions of this plugin: with and without Perl. Both plugins use AWStats (6.8) also installs password protection for online viewing.

This page describes how to install the AWStats plugin and provides information for viewing stats on-line.

Version choice

There are two versions of AWAtats plugin:


This version includes V5.0_mini_perl (ActivePerl and is intended for users who just want to display server statistics.

It avoids the need to download and install a Perl plugin, however it does restrict you to ActivePerl version


This version does not include Perl. This increases flexibility by allowing you to choose a specific version of Perl. However it requires the additional step of selecting the desired plugin.

Currently there are two versions of the Perl plugin split into mini and full:

  • V5.0_mini_perl ActivePerl
  • V5.0_full_perl ActivePerl
  • V5.1_mini_perl ActivePerl
  • V5.1_full_perl ActivePerl

Before proceeding to AWStats installation download and install one of the above Perl versions, see the 5-Nano Perl page for details.

Download and Install

There are two installation options as follows: replace "#" with the version you are installing:

Option 1:

  1. Download file V5.0_AWStats_#.0.exe from Sourceforge
  2. Save it to folder UniServer.
  3. To extract files, double click on file V5.0_AWStats_#.0.exe; no need to change the path.
  4. If you wish to save space, delete V5.0_AWStats_#.0.exe

Option 2:

  1. Download file from Sourceforge
  2. Save to any folder (e.g. temp1)
  3. Extract files, navigate to folder V5.0_AWStats_#.0
  4. Copy the entire contents (read_me.txt, usr, www ... etc) to Uniform Server's folder UniServer allow overwrite.
  5. If you wish to save space, delete temp1

Folders and files

The following are added to Uniform Server

  • AWStats is installed in folder UniServer\cgi-bin\awstats
  • Password file .htpasswd can be found in folder UniServer\htpasswd\awstats
  • Perl bin and lib are added to folder UniServer\usr (If using V5.0_AWStats_1.0)
  • Folder UniServer\www is updated with folders css, icon and js containing support files for AWStats.


Whichever installation option you choose all Perl scripts must have their shebang updated to match current server location.

Update Shebang:

  • Left mouse click UniTray > Mouse over Advanced and select Perl Shebang Update cgi-bin
  • The above requires performing once (before starting servers) thereafter shebangs are automatically on relocating the servers.


Testing is straight forward:

  • Start the servers
  • Type the following into a browser http://localhost/cgi-bin/awstats/


If you have moved the servers remember to include the port number for example:


Use UniTray Server Status to find the Apache port number.


The plugin defaults to restricting access to localhost. This can be overridden to put AWStats online allowing you to view your server stats over the Internets. This may be a security risk hence you heve the option to password protect this information.

Default Local access only

Local access is implemented using a .htaccess file located in folder UniServer\cgi-bin\awstats

The file contains the following lines:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

The line Allow from restricts access to localhost only. This prevents every one on the Internet viewing your stats information. You can however view the statistics page locally.

View Stats on-line

To view your server statistics online password protect folder awstats.

Enable Password protection

The above .htaccess file contains additional lines allowing you to password protect folder awstats.

To put your stats online edit file UniServer\cgi-bin\awstats\.htaccess as follows:

Comment (add hash) these lines as shown: (Allows anyone access)

#Order Deny,Allow
#Deny from all
#Allow from

Uncomment (remove hash) these lines as shown: (Enables name/password protection)

AuthName "Uniform Server - Server Access"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /htpasswd/awstats/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

Set new name and password

The default name and password is root they are compromised hence need changing as follows:

Edit file UniServer\htpasswd\awstats\.htpasswd

Default: Contains the following:


Change: Choose a suitable name and password and change the file as follows:


To view on-line

Type the following into a browser: http://your_domain_name/cgi-bin/awstats/


Installing AWStats with this plugin is easy. Viewing your stats on-line requires a minimum of changes.

The stats provided may not meet your requirements, however AWStats and Apache are customisable. For details check out AWStats web site.