Installing Moodle

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Installing Moodle in the Uniform Server

This tutorial assumes three things: 1. You've downloaded The Uniform Server and it's working correctly 2. You've downloaded the Latest Stable Branch of Moodle from [1] 3. You've unzipped (extracted) your download into the www folder of moodle so that the files are located in W:\www\moodle\

If you've met all of the above requirements, just double click the Server_Start.bat file. This is where the magic happens!

You may receive a warning here, just okay the pop up box and move on. You should now see the Uniform Server Admin Panel.


How cool is that? Apache is now running, now we just need to start the MySQL server and we've got the minimum requirements to run Moodle. So, choose to Run MySQL:

This should now bring you to a confirmation page that tells you MySQL started correctly. Now we need to create a database to  use with Moodle. So, we'll take the easy way out and use phpMyAdmin (Under Tools) to create the database and user for the database.

<img alt="Run MySQL" src="" align="top" height="216" hspace="10" width="158"><img alt="Choose phpMyAdmin" src="" align="middle" height="108" hspace="10" width="126">

<input src="" align="middle" height="250" type="image" width="333">

Now according to the official documentation at <a target="_blank" href=""></a> "You need to create an empty database (eg "moodle") in your

database system along with a special user (eg "moodleuser") that has access to that database (and that database only). You could use the "root" user if you wanted to for a test server, but this is not recommended for a production system: if hackers manage to discover the password then your whole database system would be at risk, rather than just one database." So, we'll use the phpMyAdmin to:

Step 1: Type "moodle" in the Create new database field and click "Create". You should get a confirmation screen like the one below.

<img alt="Create moodle database" src="" align="middle" height="135" hspace="10" width="200"><img alt="Database moodle has been created" src="" align="middle" height="168" hspace="10" width="200">

Step 2: Create a database user for the moodle database only.
Click on the home button so we can choose the "Privileges" section to create our new user and assign him privileges to the moodle database.

<img alt="Go Home" src="" align="middle" height="141" hspace="10" width="200"><img alt="Choose Privileges" src="" align="middle" height="138" hspace="10" width="200">

Now we'll need to Add a new User. Call the new user moodleuser. Use the drop down menu to allow him use only to Local (localhost) and type a password for moodleuser. Press Go on the bottom of the screen to continue.
<img alt="Add a new User" src="" align="top" height="126" hspace="10" width="200"><img alt="Create moodleuser" src="" align="middle" height="275" hspace="10" width="200">

Now let's assign moodleuser privileges to the database. Choose the "moodle" database from the "Add privileges to the following database" drop down menu. Click on "Check All" to assign all privileges to the moodle database and press Go to continue.

<img alt="Add privileges to moodle database" src="" align="top" height="215" hspace="10" width="200"><img alt="Check All privileges for moodle database" src="" align="top" height="156" hspace="10" width="200">

You should then receive a confirmation screen. You can close phpMyAdmin now.

Direct your browser to <a target="_blank" href="http://localhost/moodle/">http://localhost/moodle</a>. Time to start configuring Moodle!

<img alt="Moodle Install" src="" align="middle" height="300" width="400">

Next <a href="">Configuring Moodle</a>

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