Uniform Server Plugins.

SlimFTPd is extremely small and integrates nicely into Uniform Server this page covers two plugins one for 3.5-Apollo and the other for 3.3. They deviate from Uniform Server’s standard method of installing plugins I personally like 7-Zip and think it makes installing slightly easier.

Download - Support files

These two plugins are effectively identical only difference are paths within the start and stop batch files. Choose the appropriate file that matches your version of Uniform Server.

Uniform Server 3.5-Apolo Plugin

Download the UniCenter file: uc_35_slimftpd_3181.exe (159KB MD5=ad6947adbaa6ff4552a0533eeb853a2b)

Uniform Server 3.3 Plugin

Download the UniCenter file: uc_33_slimftpd_3181.exe (159KB MD5=625c4bc873b15abc9674a34911c7deba)

Note 1: The above two MD5's were produced using winMd5Sum Portable - obtainable from Portable Apps.

Note 2: Each file is a self-extracting archive created with 7-Zip also obtainable from Portable Apps.



Installation for both servers is identical, copy file downloaded into the server’s top-level folder “Uniform Server”.

To start the extraction process double click on the file, no need to change the “extract to path” just click the extract button.

Folder ”Uniform Server” will now contain two new files “Start SlimFTPd.bat” and “Stop SlimFTPd.bat” there function is obvious. Checking the plugins folder you will find a new folder has been crated named “SlimFTPd ” this contains the program and configuration file.


Extremely Import

Open the configuration file slimftpd.conf located in folder:

For 3.3: *\Uniform Server\diskw\plugins\SlimFTPd
For 3.5: *\Uniform Server\udrive\plugins\SlimFTPd

Change both user and password

  1. Change "admin" to a different name
  2. Change password "userver" with a mix of letters and numbers.

<User "admin">
Password "userver"

# The next directive will cause all files and folders in C:\ftproot to appear
# in the server's root.
Mount / W:/

Allow / All


The above is extremely important because it exposes all of the default drive (W:). Unless you really do want full access to drive W I would recommend you restrict access to the website root folder www by changing the line Mount / W:/ to Mount / W:/www

That said I would further restrict access, create two folders named upload and download use these for ftp. Hey your servers you can do whatever you like however think about the implications.


In folder Uniform Server you will find SlimFTPd's start and stop batch files:

  • Start SlimFTPd.bat
  • Stop SlimFTPd.bat

The only thing worthy of note start (Server_Start.bat) your servers before starting SlimFTPd


If you already have an older version of slimFTPd installed you can use the above install method to upgrade.

Make sure you have a backup of your configuration file (slimftpd.conf) before you proceed, installation overwrites all existing files.

That said its not draconian you are prompted to selectively overwrite each file.


That concludes this slimFTPd tutorial and Uniform Server plugins.

