New Users: Information Snippets

Information Snippets

This page contains snippets of information these are short but useful and do not warrant their own page. The information is in no particular order.


The DOS command subst associates a path with a drive letter creating an alias disk drive. This alias drive is used like any other drive.


  • Suppose my path to Uniserver is: H:\temp\uniserver_clean\UniServer3_3\Uniform Server\diskw
  • I want Uniserver to run on drive Z (this must be free)
  • I use the subst command like this
  • subst Z : H:\temp\uniserver_clean\UniServer3_3\Uniform Server\diskw

If I view the contents of drive H I will see only the contents in folder diskw If I copy a file to drive H in reality it is copied to the folder diskw Like wise if I delete a file from H it will delete the real file in folder diskw or any of it's sub-folders. Uniform Server creates this alias drive every time it starts (it does NOT use a RAM drive) the default alias is W

Note: That really is the secrete of Uniform Server and how it performs it's magic, you can place the servers in any folder on any drive and they are accessible via this single alias drive that it creates.

Note: Uniform 3.5-Apollo uses folder *\Uniform Server\udrive


For completeness I have included the command's syntax:

  1. subst [drive1: [drive2:]path]
  2. subst drive1: /D
  • drive1: Specifies a virtual drive to which you want to assign a path.
  • [drive2:]path Specifies a physical drive and path you want to assign to a virtual drive.
  • /D Deletes a substituted (virtual) drive.

Type subst at a command prompt with no parameters this displays a list of current virtual drives and their associated paths.

Command Prompt

To run a command prompt use either of these methods:

Start > Run > type cmd > OK


Start > All Programs > Accessories > click Command Prompt

