FileZilla Server3: Portable FileZilla FTPd

Uniform Server 5-Nano
FileZilla FTPd (Server).

Core element portable FileZilla FTPd

The core element FileZilla FTPd (Server) is fully portable copy folder filezilla_ftpd to any location (you can rename this folder) and run FileZilla independently of Uniform Server either as a service or standard program.

This page provides information on how to upgrade the core (FileZilla FTPd) and for completnes explains all batch files used.

Extract files

When a new version of FileZilla is released you need to extract the new files and copy these to folder filezilla_ftpd. Unfortunately no zip archive is provided hence you need to install FileZilla first then copy all files to a temporary folder and uninstall the program.



Download the latest version from Server Download (latest version used in the plugin is was FileZilla_Server-0_9_33.exe)

  1. Create a folder zilla_temp
  2. Copy FileZilla_Server-0_9_33.exe into folder zilla_temp
  3. To install double click on FileZilla_Server-0_9_33.exe.exe
    1. Click "I Agree" to license
    2. Standard configuration is OK click Next
    3. Click "browse" and navigate to folder zilla_temp click next
    4. From the drop down menu select "Do not install as service, start server automatically (not recommended)" leave admin port set to 14147, leave “Start server after setup completes" checked, click Next
    5. From drop down menu select "Start manually" leave “Start Interface after setup completes" checked, click Install.
    6. When “Installation complete” is displayed click Close
    7. When challenged by your Firewall allow to connect to Internet.
      Leave Server address port 14147 unchanged.
      Set a password: root
      Leave "Always connect to this server" unchecked
      Click OK
      When Challenged allow connection to Internet.
      Note: Logged on indicates everything is working.
  4. Quit FileZilla server
  5. Create a new folder zilla_temp_2 copy the contents of folder zilla_temp\FileZilla Server to this new folder.
  6. Navigate to file Uninstall.exe (\zilla_temp\FileZilla Server) double click to run. This stops/uninstalls service and uninstalls FileZilla Server from your PC.


Extracted files

Folder zilla_temp_2 contains the required files:

  • dbghelp.dll
  • FileZilla Server Interface.exe
  • FileZilla Server Interface.xml
  • FileZilla server.exe
  • FileZilla server.pdb
  • FileZilla Server.xml
  • FzGSS.dll
  • legal.htm
  • libeay32.dll
  • license.txt
  • readme.htm
  • ssleay32.dll
  • Uninstall.exe

Delete Uninstall.exe it’s not required.

In this version (0_9_33) of FileZilla files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are version j, these were replaced with the newer k versions from folder UniServer\udrive\usr\local\apache2\bin


Quick test

At this stage you can run the server and check you can log on using the control interface.

  1. To start the server double click on FileZilla server.exe a pop-up is displayed with the option to install service click “Yes
  2. Click “NO” to auto-start service.
  3. Click “Yes” to start server. When challenged by your firewall allow connection to Internet
  4. To start the interface (admin) double click on FileZilla Server Interface.exe a pop-up is displayed “Connect to Server” click OK. This opens the interface window where you set-up the server.
    All we are interested in is the last line, which states “Logged on” confirming everything is working.
    Close this window using File > Quit.
  5. To stop the server double click on FileZilla server.exe, a pop-up is displayed with the option to “stop server” click “Yes

I think you will agree a toggle menu is a neat way to control the server however for a plugin I prefer to use batch files.

To complete the upgrade copy the above files from folder zilla_temp_2 to folder UniServer\filezilla_server\filezilla_ftpd


Command line options

The server is controllable using a command line interface this is put to use in the batch files.

Available command line options are:

  • -start –stop
  • -install –uninstall
  • -compat
  • -reload-config

Of real importance is compat this is used for Windows 9x compatibility and allows the server to run as a standard program. It must be the first switch when using a command line.

The server can be started and stopped using the following command lines:

  • Start server as standard program: FileZilla server.exe -compat-start
  • Stop server standard program: FileZilla server.exe -compat -stop


Batch files

The core contains the following batch files.

Note: Any external program can run these to control FileZilla they provide felexibily and portability:

Run as a Service

Install and run - zilla_service_start.bat

pushd %~dp0
"FileZilla server.exe" -install
"FileZilla server.exe" -start


Stop and Uninstall - zilla_service_stop.bat

pushd %~dp0
"FileZilla server.exe" -stop
"FileZilla server.exe" -uninstall


Run as a standard program

Run - zilla_start.bat

pushd %~dp0
start uniserv.exe "FileZilla Server.exe -compat-start"


Stop - zilla_stop.bat

pushd %~dp0
"FileZilla Server.exe" -compat-stop


Admin utility zilla_admin.bat

pushd %~dp0
start uniserv.exe filezilla_admin_hidden.bat


Admin utility filezilla_admin_hidden.bat

pushd %~dp0
"FileZilla Server Interface.exe"



Run the batch files and test the server:

  1. Run zilla_admin.bat - Click OK to connect - Displays: Error could not connect to server
  2. Run zilla_start.bat - Top left of Admin select File > Connect to server - Displays: Logged on
  3. Run zilla_stop.bat - Admin Displays: Error could not connect to server Note: The tray icon changes to a question mark.
  4. Run zilla_service_start.bat - Top left of Admin select File > Connect to server - Displays: Logged on
  5. Run zilla_service_stop.bat - Admin Displays: Error could not connect to server Note: The tray icon changes to a question mark.
  6. Run zilla_admin.bat - Click OK to connect - Displays: Error could not connect to server
  7. Close Admin - Top left of Admin select File > Quit - Admin closes

That completes the test.


Summary - filezilla_ftpd (portable FileZilla)

Core files are contained in folder UniServer\filezilla_server\filezilla_ftpd

This folder can be copied to any location (renamed if required) and FileZilla run independently of Uniform Server. FileZilla can be run either as a service or standard program using the batch files shown im bold.

  • dbghelp.dll
  • FileZilla Server Interface.exe
  • FileZilla Server Interface.xml
  • FileZilla server.exe
  • FileZilla server.pdb
  • FileZilla Server.xml
  • FzGSS.dll
  • legal.htm
  • libeay32.dll
  • license.txt
  • readme.htm
  • ssleay32.dll
  • filezilla_admin_hidden.bat
  • uniserv.exe
  • zilla_start.bat
  • zilla_stop.bat
  • zilla_service_start.bat
  • zilla_service_stop.bat
  • zilla_admin.bat

- Start as a standard program
- Stop as a standard program
- Install and run as service
- Stop and Uninstall service
- Start FileZilla Admin



To offer maximum flexibility the core was specifically designed to be independent of Uniform Server.

Interfacing to the core is via the five batch files shown in bold.

The next page details the various installation options and control using these batch files.
