DtDNS and automatic update

Whats a crude updater

A crude IP updater does not apply to the mechanism of updating an IP address that’s rather sophisticated. It applies to a users ability to update an IP address even if its not required i.e. it has not changed.

If you know your IP address has changed the following is a quick way to force an update at DtDNS.

This method is recommended only for testing please check your IP has changed before updating otherwise you may invoke the draconian dragon that will ban your IP.

Request a page

The mechanism as seen by an end user is neat just request a page with the following format (what you type into a browser):


There really is no excuse for using the first URL since all modern browser can understand and use https.

That means your password is encrypted before being sent over the Internet.

Hence use this format:




I mentioned crude that also applies to etiquette, would be nice to include client this is optional just like the IP address.

If you don’t supply an IP address DtDNS will check your request page and determine it from that. Generally for a home web server this is adequate.

The update request page reduces to this:



Practical - html page updater

If you hate typing and find it difficult to remember the format, names and passwords for five hosts a neat solution is to create an html page in folder UniServer.

This example uses the Hostnames and Domains we configured on previous page.

This gives the following id's:

  • uni23.dtdns.net
  • books.effers.com

Lets assume the password is

  • fred123

Create a new text file named ip_updater.html in folder UniServer with the following content:

<title>DtDNS Ip Updater</title>

<li><a href="https://www.dtdns.com/api/autodns.cfm?id=uni23.dtdns.net&pw=fred123" target="_blank">1) Update uni23.dtdns.net</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.dtdns.com/api/autodns.cfm?id=books.effers.com&pw=fred123" target="_blank">2) Update books.effers.com</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.dtdns.com/api/autodns.cfm?id=hostname&pw=password" target="_blank">3) Update xxxx</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.dtdns.com/api/autodns.cfm?id=hostname&pw=password" target="_blank">4) Update xxxx</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.dtdns.com/api/autodns.cfm?id=hostname&pw=password" target="_blank">5) Update xxxx</a></li>


Substitute your real id’s (hostname.domain) and password, I have assumed you will be using all five free hosts hence included five links.



I have referred to the above as a crude updater because it requires manually running.

It’s ideal when testing server’s virtual hosts saves logging in into your DtDNS account and manually changing IP addresses.

I mentioned in the introduction this method is recommended only for testing please check your IP has changed before updating. The next page covers how to determine your IP.
