Admin Panel 2

Home Page

UniServer’s admin panel provides an easy way to tailor your server’s security features. At the bottom of apanel’s home page you will find a security check list, click on the appropriate link to set that security feature.

To check security settings run Security Console (bottom of security check list) or use the Server Security link on the left menu (located below the home page link).

Security Console

Security Console when run for the first time you may be alarmed to find with the exception of local view your servers are Unsecured.

The security status is referring to the situation when you allow others access to your servers either physically (PC access) or remotely (putting your servers online).

I must stress a default installation of UniServer is secure since you are the only person with physical access to your PC and it is locked down to localhost access.

Allowing online access to your servers requires changing the .htaccess file in folder www.

Always change your MySQL root password make it the first action on installing a new copy of UniServer.


Security Checklist

The security check list is shown below, for a full description of each function click the appropriate link.

You will find some details within each section have been duplicated this is ensure each section is complete and independent.

Note: On the home page once you have taken the appropriate action that entry is removed from the list.

  • Change the username/password for the Admin Panel here
  • Change the username/password for the server here
  • Change the root password for mysql by editing here



I personally do not like apanel’s colour scheme in particular those faint red links.

My personal preference is to make these links bold I find it makes them more readable.

If you find you have similar or different preferences these are easily changed using the file main.css located in folder *\Uniform Server\udrive\home\admin\www\css

I changed the css file as follows:

# Name: The Uniform Server Admin Panel 2.0 CSS 1.0
# Developed By: The Uniform Server Development Team
# Modified Last By: Olajide Olaolorun (empirex)
# Web:

a {

Added the line font-weight:bold;

It’s a small change for me it make a big difference no good having flexibility if you are not prepared to use it.


If there are other parts of apanel you do not like make a back-up of the CSS file and have a play tailor it to your own preference.

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