Installing WordPress on 5.0-Nano

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Installing WordPress on 5-Nano Series


The following instructions show you how to install WordPress on a clean version of 5-Nano.

WordPress is easy to install on Uniform Server 5-Nano. Do you need a portable version? No problem. Are you new to blogging and want to get a feel for it in your own time and not be embarrassed by making mistakes on-line? Then this page is probably what you are looking for. It shows you how to install WordPress on UniServer, allowing you to explore WordPress’s features, test plugins and widgets.

Pre-Installation 1

Install Uniform server

  1. A) Create a new folder named wordpress_b (Can be any name)
  2. Extract a new copy of Uniform Server V5-Nano to this folder
    Note: You will need a database user name and password. In this tutorial I use the UniServer defaults: name=root password=root.
     --- Database user name root - No need to change this
     --- Database password root - Before installing WordPress, I recommend changing this using apanel

Download WordPress

  1. B) Create a new folder wordpress_a (Can be any name; it's only a temporary folder)
  2. Download WordPress 2.9 (or newer version) from here. Click on Download .ZIP and save to a convenient folder, like wordpress_a
  3. Extract this file to the current folder (right click on the file to be extracted and select Extract All... click Next and Next again).
  4. This creates a new folder named wordpress-2.9 (C) which contains the main WordPress folder wordpress (D) that has all files required for installation.

Copy files to Uniform Server

  1. E) Copy folder wordpress and all its contents to Uniform Server's root folder *\UniServer\www

Pre-Installation 2

Create a WordPress configuration file.

F) Inside the wordpress folder locate the file named: wp-config-sample.php Rename it to: wp-config.php

After renaming open file in a text editor (such as Notepad) locate the following three lines:

define('DB_NAME', 'putyourdbnamehere'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'usernamehere'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'yourpasswordhere'); // ...and password

Change the lines as shown in bold:

define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root'); // ...and password

Save the file. This configuration file is used by WordPress to locate and access the database, which we create in the next step.

Installation - Create a WordPress Database

Creating the WordPress database is straight forward. The tables are automatically built during installation.

  1. Start UniTray: In folder UniServer double click on Start.exe which creates a tray icon.
  2. Start Uniform Server. Left click tray icon > click Start UniServer
  3. Left click tray icon > click phpMyAdmin - This opens phpMyAdmin in your browser.
  4. A) We want to create a new database. Name it wordpress
  5. B) Click on Create to create the database.


  • You can also start phpMyAdmin from Apanel. Start Apanel by typing http://localhost/apanel/ into your browser address bar.
  • From Apanel, click on the phpMyAdmin link. (left menu under tools)


To start the WordPress installation process, type http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php into your browser and follow the instructions.

There are two pages to the process as follows:

1) Welcome page requires the following information:

  • Blog title: UniCenter Test -- (Choose whatever you like; you can change this later in WordPress)
  • Your e-mail: -- (Any email will; do you can change this later in WordPress)
  • Un-Check, "Allow my blog to appear in search engines ..." -- (Not required for testing)
  • Click on Install WordPress

2) Success page (I liked the final comment)

Note: username "admin" and generated password "XA6T%h9y*EFE". (The password is random; make this the first thing you change in WordPress)

3) Login and change your WordPress Password

  • Click Login
  • Enter Username: admin
  • Enter Password: XA6T%h9y*EFE - whatever was generated for you
  • Dashboard page opens and displays - "Notice: you're using the auto-generated password for your account...."
  • Click Yes, Take me to my profile page
  • New Password: root66 - Use your own
  • Confirm Password: root66 - Type your new password again.
  • Click Update Profile

Note: The above is not necessary, however it is nice to have a password you can remember!

Accessing WordPress

Login to WordPress by typing the following into your browser: http://localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php
To view your Blog type the following into your browser: http://localhost/wordpress/


There are three types of WordPress permalinks (permanent links):

  1. Default “Ugly” e.g.
  2. Pretty Permalinks "uses mod_rewrite" e.g.
  3. PATHINFO "include index.php" e.g

The following example shows how to enable custom permalinks (Pretty Permalinks).

  1. Log into Wordpress and select Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks
  2. Click Custom radio button and enter /%postname%/%post_id%/
    For a full list of variables check the WordPress Wiki
  3. Click Save Changes


If you want a portable version of WordPress, copy the folder UniServer and all its content to your USB memory stick. That’s it. Don’t expect fantastic speeds, however it is usable.

Move Servers

One of Uniform Server’s unique features is the capability to run more than one complete server on the same PC. When running a server from a USB memory stick, you can use this to great advantage and prevent server collisions. You will have noticed UniTray’s icon displays a one (meaning standard ports). Moving UniServer increments this digit for each server move. In reality it’s not just a port change but a complete server update. Running server status displays the server characteristics.

Move Servers:

  1. Assumes a newly extracted server.
  2. Stop all running Uniform Servers
  3. Start UniTray: In folder UniServer, double click on Start.exe and the tray icon is created.
  4. Move servers: Left click tray icon > Advanced > click Move Servers multi-server operation.
  5. In the pop-up window, at all prompts press enter to accept defaults.
  6. The tray icon will display 2. If you already use a server with this number repeat steps 4 and 5. each server must have a unique number.

  • After moving the servers you can now install WordPress as explained above.
  • However before proceeding you need to use the new server ports for installation.
  • To find these: Left click tray icon > Server Status

I moved the servers to icon 3, so Apache port = 82 and MySQL port = 3308

At Pre-Installation 2

At pre-instaltion step 2 there is an additional line to change. All four lines that require changing are shown below:

F) Inside the wordpress folder locate the file named: wp-config-sample.php Rename it to: wp-config.php

After renaming open file in a text editor (such as Notepad) locate the following four lines:

define('DB_NAME', 'putyourdbnamehere'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'usernamehere'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'yourpasswordhere'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); /** MySQL hostname */

Change the lines as shown in bold:

define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:3308'); /** MySQL hostname */

Save the file. This configuration file is used by WordPress to locate and access the database..

To start the WordPress installation process, type http://localhost:82/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php into your browser and follow the instructions.

After installation, access requires the addition of a port number as shown:

  • Login to WordPress by typing the following into your browser: http://localhost:82/wordpress/wp-login.php
  • To view your Blog type the following into your browser: http://localhost:82/wordpress/

Note: The plugin contains the following code that automatically tracks the MySQL port. There's no need to change the DB_HOST line if using the plugin:

// === Set base path ==========================================================
$path_array = explode("www", dirname( __FILE__ ));  // Split pat at www
$base           = "$path_array[0]";            // absolute path to ..UniServer/
// ====================================================== End Set base path ===

// === Get MYSQL port =========================================================
// Use port from configuration file - because user can change this file 
$file_conf  = $base.'usr\\local\\mysql\\my.ini'; // Config file 

if ($filearray=file($file_conf)) {              // read file into array
 foreach ($filearray as $txt) {                 // scan array for port
  if(preg_match("/^\s*port\s*=\s*(\d+)/", $txt,$match)){ // check save matches 
   $mysql_port =  $match[1];                    // match found save port number 
   break;                                       // give up nothing else to do
else {                                      // failed to read file
 echo "Cannot read the file";
// ===================================================== END Get MySQL Port ===

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:$mysql_port');


The above instructions are generic allowing you to install the latest version of WordPress.

If you prefer a click and go solution, go to SourceForge

Save this to folder UniServer; to install, double click on file. WordPress is pre-configured and ready to go. Check out the read me file for more information.

Note: This plugin is intended to quickly get WordPress up and running, allowing you to explore the software. If you intend running a production server, delete the folders installed and perform a manual install. This allows you to tailor WordPress and include any missing modules.

MySQL Security

The above installation guide and associated downloadable plugin are intended to get the application up and running purely for testing.

If you are intending to put the application on line, make sure to read any security advice provided with the application and check providers web site. More importantly, the above installation is an extreme security risk if put online as is. It's imperative that you secure the MySQL server before putting your servers online.

Please read the following page MySQL Security and restrict privileges to any user that has connection access to your server.


WordPress is extremely easy to install on UniServer, if you want to have a go at blogging, give it a spin on your own PC.

If you need more information, pop over to When you feel confident, get a free blog on