SVN: Portable Client

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Uniform Server 5.0-Nano.
Subversion (SVN)

Installing Portable Subversion Client on 5.0-Nano

The following step-by-step guide shows how to install portable subversion RapidSVN client on Uniform Server 5.0-Nano.

Thanks to Deuce the hard work has been done.


Note: RapidSVN's project home page includes screen shots.



You can run RapidSVNPortable.exe and extract the files to any folder and run RapidSVNPortable from there.

However we want a complete portable solution and need to integrate this into UniServer's architecture as follows:

  1. Create a new folder svn_portabe (this can be any name you like) in folder UniServer -- C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_portable
  2. Navigate to folder C:\a_svn_temp Extract RapidSVNPortable: Run RapidSVNPortable.exe no need to change path Click Extract.
  3. Navigate to folder C:\a_svn_temp\Rapidsvn Copy entire contents to folder C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_portable
  4. Folder svn_portable now contains: folders App, Data and Other and file PortableRapidSVN.exe
  5. Check installtion, run PortableRapidSVN.exe - Will run with no errors displayed.
  6. Close Click File>Exit

Note: RapidSVNPortable is independent of UniServer and can be run at any time, no need to have UniServer running.


Additional Downloads

Although it is possible to run RapidSVNPortable as it stands there is two more applications that make it more useful Notepad++ Portable and WinMerge Portable.

The following describes how to install these to UniServer and set-up RapidSVNPortable


  • The two application like RapidSVNPortable are independent of UniServer.
  • For portability they are extracted to folder UniServer.


Install Notepad++ Portable

  1. Create a new folder svn_notepad in folder UniServer
  2. Download the latest version of Notepad++ Portable from
  3. Save the download to folder C:\a_svn_temp
  4. Run the file downloaded NotepadPlusPlusPortable_5.4.5.paf.exe When prompted install to folder C:\a_svn_temp
  5. Navigate to folder C:\a_svn_temp\Notepad++Portable Copy entire contents to folder C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_notepad
  6. While in C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_notepad Run Notepad++Portable.exe check it works and close.


Install WinMerge Portable

  1. Create a new folder svn_winmerge in folder UniServer
  2. Download the latest version of WinMerge Portable from
  3. Save the download to folder C:\a_svn_temp
  4. Run the file downloaded WinMergePortable_2.12.4.paf.exe When prompted Install to folder C:\a_svn_temp
  5. Navigate to folder C:\a_svn_temp\WinMergePortable Copy entire contents to folder C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_winmerge
  6. While in C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_winmerge Run WinMergePortable.exe check it works and close.


Set-up RapidSVNPortable

In order to find Notepad and Winmerge PortableRapidSVN requires configuring as follows:

  • Navigate to folder C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_portable  
  • Run PortableRapidSVN.exe
  • 1) Click View.
  • 2) From the drop down menu click Preferences

  • 3) In the popup select Programs tab
  • 4) To the right of Standard editor click button.
    • Navigate to notepad++ executable:
    • C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_notepad
    • Click Notepad++Portable.exe click open.
    • No Program arguments required leave blank.

Note: If you prefer to use Windows Notepad<br /> enter notepad.exe no path required.

  • 5) To the right of Diff tool click button.
    • Navigate to winmerge executable:
    • C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_winmerge
    • Click WinMergePortable.exe click open.
  • No Program arguments required leave blank.
  • 6) Click OK


Absolute paths are required, hence every time you

move the servers repeat steps 4 and 5.

An alternative is to write a small script that

changes paths automatically.


Working Copy folder

A folder is required to store a working copy of a project or part of a project. This folder can be named whatever you like and located anywhere.

However we are creating a self-contained portable installation hence locate this folder in UniServer.

I have named the folder svn_working_copy

  • C:\a_svn\UniServer\svn_working_copy



We now have a complete portable installation. This can be run either locally or transferred to a USB memory stick and run from there.

Note: All portable components have a corresponding fixed counterpart hence you can install these for a fixed installation.

If you are unfamiliar with RapidSVN the next page provides a quick introduction.
