PHP WinBinder: Tab Control 2

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UniServer 5-Nano
PHP WinBinder.

Tab Control 2

On the previous page a tabbed application was built and we finished with a working script. There were two issues highlighted which this page addresses.

These issues are more about coding style than functionality.

Handles and ID’s

As an application grows certain coding styles can lead to problems. Generally to circumvent these requires a little more work up front covered in this section.


A method I proposed on the previous page for generating unique ID remains applicable.

  • Labels start at 100
  • Push buttons start at 200
  • EditBox start at 300
  • Main Tab starts at 9000
  • A Tab page starts at 1000 next page 2000 etc

Hence to create first label on tab page 2 would give an ID of (2000+100) 2100

Raw ID's will be assigned to a constant for example

define("ID_L1101", 1101); // Defines the ID for Label on tab page 1 (tab indexes start from 0)

Note: You can use a more realistic name for an ID for example ID_L1101 could be replaced with ID_Apache_Port


Unless there is a real coding need do not assign a Handle to a variable and make it global.

The preferred method of obtaining a Handle is to use the function wb_get_control for example:

wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101) would return the handle of label 1 on tab page 1

It may seem overkill however in the long run it makes coding easier and maintainable.

Lets look our the previous code changes.


Add ID block

A significant change is to add a new block of code containing the ID constants:

//-- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------

//ID's Page 1
define("ID_L1101", 			1101); //Label
define("ID_L1102", 			1102);
define("ID_E1301", 			1301); // Edit box
define("ID_PB1201", 			1201); // Push button
define("ID_PB1202", 			1202); // Push button
define("ID_PB1203", 			1203); // Push button

//ID's Page 2
define("ID_L2101", 			2101); //Label
define("ID_L2102", 			2102);
define("ID_E2301", 			2301); // Edit box
define("ID_PB2201", 			2201); // Push button
define("ID_PB2202", 			2202); // Push button
define("ID_PB2203", 			2203); // Push button

//ID's Page 3
define("ID_L3101", 			3101); //Label
define("ID_L3102", 			3102);
define("ID_E3301", 			3301); // Edit box
define("ID_PB3201", 			3201); // Push button
define("ID_PB3202", 			3202); // Push button
define("ID_PB3203", 			3203); // Push button


Adding controls to tabs

We currently have three tabs to each of these we will add two labels, three buttons and a EditBox. This will allow you to easily see the differences.

//Create main tab area
$tab = wb_create_control($mainwin, TabControl, 0, 5, 5, 305, 200, 9000);

//Create Tab 0 - Page 1
wb_create_items($tab, "Page1");
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label A", 10, 14, 112, 20,   ID_L1101, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label B", 10, 34, 112, 20,   ID_L1102, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, EditBox,    "",            10, 54, 112, 20,   ID_E1301, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button A",    10, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB1201, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button B",   100, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB1202, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button C",   190, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB1203, 0, 0, 0);

//Create Tab 1 - Page 2
wb_create_items($tab, "Page2");
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label C", 10, 14, 112, 20,   ID_L2101, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label D", 10, 34, 112, 20,   ID_L2102, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, EditBox,    "",            10, 54, 112, 20,   ID_E2301, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button D",    10, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB2201, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button E",   100, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB2202, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button F",   190, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB2203, 0, 0, 1);

//Create Tab 2 - Page 3
wb_create_items($tab, "Page3");
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label E", 10, 14, 112, 20,   ID_L3101, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label F", 10, 34, 112, 20,   ID_L3102, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, EditBox,    "",            10, 54, 112, 20,   ID_E3301, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button G",    10, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB3201, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button H",   100, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB3202, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button I",   190, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB3203, 0, 0, 2);


The far right digit assigns a control to that tab number (remember tabs are indexed starting at 0)

Fourth number (constant) from right is a controls ID this must be unique. It follows the convention outlined above.

The above produces the following:

Pressing a button will produce errors! The handler function requires updating.



function process_main($window, $id)

  switch($id) { 

  //== Page 1
  case ID_PB1201:         // Button A
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101),"12345");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1102),"67890");

  case ID_PB1202:         // Button B
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101),"67890");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1102),"12345");


  case ID_PB1203:         // Button C
   $text1 = wb_get_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_E1301));
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101),"Page 1 ".$text1);
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1102),"Page 1 ".$text1);

  //== Page 2
  case ID_PB2201:         // Button D

  case ID_PB2202:         // Button E

  case ID_PB2203:         // Button F

  //== Page 3
  case ID_PB3201:         // Button G
     wb_message_box($window, "Page 3.","BUTTON G", WBC_INFO);

  case ID_PB3202:         // Button H
     wb_message_box($window, "Page 3.","BUTTON H", WBC_QUESTION);

  case ID_PB3203:         // Button I
     wb_message_box($window, "Page 3.","BUTTON I", WBC_YESNO);

   case IDCLOSE:                 // Constant IDCLOSE (8) predefined 
    wb_destroy_window($window);  // Destroy the window

function button_D($window){
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2101),"xxxx");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2102),"yyyy");
function button_E($window){
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2101),"yyyy");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2102),"xxxx");
function button_F($window){
   $text1 = wb_get_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_E2301));
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2101),"Page 2 ".$text1);
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2102),"Page 2 ".$text1);


Adding functionality is again performed using the handler function.

It is split into three sections corresponding to each page.

Each push button is processed by the switch statement individual pushbuttons are identified using a case statement who’s value corresponds to a buttons ID.

Page 1 buttons directly run code. Individual segments of code can become long and difficult to read. Page 2 button processing is a possible solution to this.

Note: Global variables are no longer required we are using function wb_get_control to obtain a Handle

Page 2 buttons call a function to perform the processing. This reduces size of the handler function making it easier to read.

Note: The window variable needs to be passed to the function

Page 3 buttons show examples of pop-up that may be useful in a working script.


Test 5 Script

Include "../php/include/winbinder.php";       // Location Of Winbinder Library

//-- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------

//ID's Page 1
define("ID_L1101", 			1101); //Label
define("ID_L1102", 			1102);
define("ID_E1301", 			1301); // Edit box
define("ID_PB1201", 			1201); // Push button
define("ID_PB1202", 			1202); // Push button
define("ID_PB1203", 			1203); // Push button

//ID's Page 2
define("ID_L2101", 			2101); //Label
define("ID_L2102", 			2102);
define("ID_E2301", 			2301); // Edit box
define("ID_PB2201", 			2201); // Push button
define("ID_PB2202", 			2202); // Push button
define("ID_PB2203", 			2203); // Push button

//ID's Page 3
define("ID_L3101", 			3101); //Label
define("ID_L3102", 			3102);
define("ID_E3301", 			3301); // Edit box
define("ID_PB3201", 			3201); // Push button
define("ID_PB3202", 			3202); // Push button
define("ID_PB3203", 			3203); // Push button

//=== 1) Create main window ---------------------------------------------------
$mainwin = wb_create_window(NULL, AppWindow, "Test 5", 320, 240);

//=== 2) Create controls for the main window ----------------------------------

//Create main tab area
$tab = wb_create_control($mainwin, TabControl, 0, 5, 5, 305, 200, 9000);

//Create Tab 0 - Page 1
wb_create_items($tab, "Page1");
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label A", 10, 14, 112, 20,   ID_L1101, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label B", 10, 34, 112, 20,   ID_L1102, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, EditBox,    "",            10, 54, 112, 20,   ID_E1301, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button A",    10, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB1201, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button B",   100, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB1202, 0, 0, 0);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button C",   190, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB1203, 0, 0, 0);

//Create Tab 1 - Page 2
wb_create_items($tab, "Page2");
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label C", 10, 14, 112, 20,   ID_L2101, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label D", 10, 34, 112, 20,   ID_L2102, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, EditBox,    "",            10, 54, 112, 20,   ID_E2301, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button D",    10, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB2201, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button E",   100, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB2202, 0, 0, 1);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button F",   190, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB2203, 0, 0, 1);

//Create Tab 2 - Page 3
wb_create_items($tab, "Page3");
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label E", 10, 14, 112, 20,   ID_L3101, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, Label,     "Test label F", 10, 34, 112, 20,   ID_L3102, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, EditBox,    "",            10, 54, 112, 20,   ID_E3301, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button G",    10, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB3201, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button H",   100, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB3202, 0, 0, 2);
 wb_create_control($tab, PushButton, "Button I",   190, 90,  80, 22,   ID_PB3203, 0, 0, 2);

//=== 3) Assign handler function to the main window  --------------------------
wb_set_handler($mainwin, "process_main");       

//=== 5) Enter application loop -----------------------------------------------

//=== 4) Handler Function -----------------------------------------------------
function process_main($window, $id)

  switch($id) { 

  //== Page 1
  case ID_PB1201:         // Button A
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101),"12345");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1102),"67890");

  case ID_PB1202:         // Button B
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101),"67890");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1102),"12345");


  case ID_PB1203:         // Button C
   $text1 = wb_get_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_E1301));
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1101),"Page 1 ".$text1);
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L1102),"Page 1 ".$text1);

  //== Page 2
  case ID_PB2201:         // Button D

  case ID_PB2202:         // Button E

  case ID_PB2203:         // Button F

  //== Page 3
  case ID_PB3201:         // Button G
     wb_message_box($window, "Page 3.","BUTTON G", WBC_INFO);

  case ID_PB3202:         // Button H
     wb_message_box($window, "Page 3.","BUTTON H", WBC_QUESTION);

  case ID_PB3203:         // Button I
     wb_message_box($window, "Page 3.","BUTTON I", WBC_YESNO);

   case IDCLOSE:                          // Constant IDCLOSE (8) predefined 
    wb_destroy_window($window);           // Destroy the window

function button_D($window){
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2101),"xxxx");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2102),"yyyy");
function button_E($window){
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2101),"yyyy");
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2102),"xxxx");
function button_F($window){
   $text1 = wb_get_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_E2301));
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2101),"Page 2 ".$text1);
   wb_set_text(wb_get_control($window, ID_L2102),"Page 2 ".$text1);





Navigate to folder


Double click on test_5.bat

In terms of visual appearance and user functionality there are no changes.



The above script can be used as a working template. You can delete and add controls as required. To complete a working windows application throw in a bit of cosmetics and functionality.

Next page covers adding cosmetics (static controls) a logo (icon) and some additional functionality to produce a specific application template.
