Cron Design: Cron Script Part 3

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MPG UniCenter

MPG UniCenter

Uniform Server Portable Cron Design

Uniform Servers portable Cron script is shown below.

It includes a logging function and user period translation these are added to a Unix timestamp to produce a new start time reference.

Final Script

# Name: run_cron.php
# Developed By: The Uniform Server Development Team
#error_reporting(0);  // Disable PHP errors and warnings
                      // Comment to Enable for testing

chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // Change wd to this files location
include_once "../main/includes/";
include_once "../main/includes/functions.php";

//== Variables
$logging   = true;           // true = Enable logging false = disable logging
$log_file  = "cron_log.txt"; // log file name (Can include a reative path)  
$file      = "cron.ini";     // name of configuration (Can add a reative path)
$cron_time = 60;             // Set cron time (tick) in seconds. Default 1 Min
$loop      = $cron_time;     // Set equal allows immediate first time run

  cron_log("### Log Started ========================="); 

//== Main loop
while(TRUE){                       // Infinite loop.
 if(get_cron_tracker() != "run"){  // Check every second for user cron stop
   break;                          // reqest. Breaks out of while loop and 
 }                                 // kills script.
   if($loop == $cron_time){        // True for first entry hence immediately
                                   // runs scriptss. There after run at
                                   // cron time.

//#                         Scan Ini File                                     #

$ini_array = parse_ini_file($file, true);        // Read cron.ini into array
foreach($ini_array as $key => $value){           // Scan array's main keys

 $tim = strtotime("now");                        //current time
 $tim_s  = strtotime($ini_array[$key]['start']); // Get start time
 $period = $ini_array[$key]['period'];           // Get period
 $path   = $ini_array[$key]['path'];             // Get path to run script
 $ref    = $ini_array[$key]['ref'];              // Get repeat time marker

if((float)$tim > (float)$tim_s){      // New start or started
  if( $ref != ""){                    // It was started
    if( (float)$tim < (float)$ref ){  // Is it a triggered update 
      continue;                       // No: Start next foreach
  //== Eiter a new start or triggered update hence run script

 if($period == "hourly"){              // ... Get user defined period
  $offset =(60*60);                    // Set number of corresponding
 }                                     // seconds ...
 if($period == "daily"){
  $offset =(24*60*60);
 if($period == "weekly"){
  $offset =(7*24*60*60);
 if($period == "monthly"){
  $offset =(4*7*24*60*60);
 if(preg_match('/^\d+/',$period)){     // If is digits 
   $offset = (int)$period;             // Set to int

 $ref = $tim +  $offset;               // Create new repeat time marker
 my_ini_set($file,$key,'ref',$ref);    // Save to ini file for later use 

 // There are two file types that can be run browser or local CLI example:
 // http://localhost/drupal/cron.php
 // ..\..\plugins\dtdns_updater\dtdns_updater.php
 // A user specifies only the path/filename

 if(preg_match('/^http/',$path)){      // Is it a browser address 
   $dummy = @file($path);              // Yes: Run on Server, $dummy not used 
      cron_log($path);                 // Save to log and add time 
 else{                                 // No: Hence run local PHP script
   $cmd = 'start uniserv.exe '. "\"..\..\usr\local\php\php.exe $path\"";
   pclose(popen($cmd,'r'));            // Start detatched process 
      cron_log($path);                 // Save to log and add time 
}// End foreach

//#                           END Scan Ini File                               #

     //print_r($dummy);      // Test line displays cron page output 
     $loop =0;               // Reset loop counter
   $loop = $loop+1;          // Increment loop counter
  sleep(1);                  // Base delay one second allows stop to be checked 

  cron_log("### Log Ended ===========================\n"); 

//=== Log =====================================================================
// Logs Cron actions to a log file
// Input: String to be logged
// $file        Path to file including file name

function cron_log($str){
  global $log_file;          // path and name to log file

  $str = date('Y-m-d H:i')."  ".$str."\n";

  $fh = fopen($log_file, 'a') or die("can't open file");
  fwrite($fh, $str);
//=== END Log =================================================================




The above script is provided as an example and subject to change if you require the latest version extract it from a new version of Uniform Server V5-Nano series.

File: UniServer\unicon\main\run_cron.php
